Tortoise and the Hare

February 15, 2015

As you may have noticed by now, is now!  served us all well but it was time to grow. Indulge us long enough to take a quick moment to reflect on our journey to this point before we look to the future & share our exciting news…

  • was the first remote measurement service (RMS), period. We arrived in 2007 and started with a single contractor from Chicago (shout out to Dominic!); how he found our website only God knows.
  • We made a conscious effort to explain how our technology works and wrote volumes on multiple webpages to earn your trust. We knew at first we would get ‘early adopters’ to try our new technology; but hoped with time it would become mainstream as it is today.
  • Then came the competitors. Some of them formidable! They threw literally millions of dollars at the market place trying to ‘buy’ your trust and business. For one in particular, it seemed as though nothing would stop them. They outsourced to the Philippines (“Philly” if you ask them); burned through salesmen and swiped their clients by doubling their quota after they worked like dogs to grow their client base.
  • We took a different approach, we stayed profitable, continued to innovate, we found ways to become more efficient and lowered our prices at every opportunity.
  • As our business grew customers no longer needed all the webpages of explanation about our technology, all they wanted was an “iTunes” style of order entry. “Here’s the address – here’s my payment – and I’m back to what I was doing”. So we obliged by creating the Roofshots website.

Which brings us to our exciting news…

Announcing the new RoofShots Report





Evolution Of A Roofer

October 31, 2010

Does weather dictate your estimating/sales? Do your expectations for sales change from November thru February?

     Winter is the time to sell more jobs.  The increase of rain and snow make a roof in disrepair more obvious. Concerned homeowners are prompted by the threat of water damage. They finally, in a panic, make the call they should have made a long time ago. While the rest of your competition is going into hibernation mode and downshifting for winter, you should be ramping up your estimating and sales efforts for 2011.

Roofers411 .com gives you the tools to estimate all year and in any weather.

      You should  be the contractor that closes the sale even though it could be dark, the roof is cut-up or covered in snow. You should be the contractor that has the foresight to buy the material for delivery when it is at its lowest price. You should be the contractor that hires and schedules the most talented workers, well in advance. You should be the contractor that books the year out and has the luxury of either increasing your bids or hiring another crew to keep going.

      What would a roofing season look like for you if your focus wasn’t on staying booked? Instead you could be supervising the work your company was doing. It would mean fewer call-backs. It would mean better and more consistent work. It would mean fewer oversights and smoother scheduling. It would mean a better reputation. As a result, you will have the potential to write more bids, pick and choose your jobs as well as increase your price point. 

      The evolving  roofer sees the unprecedented value of Roofers411’s ability, unlike ever before, to help them estimate year round. Most importantly, the evolving roofer will survive the natural selection of the roofing industry. Roofers411 would like to challenge you to evolve or get left behind.

Call us today to find out how we can help you grow your business.